The Ones to watch.....

There are always lots of ones to watch lists and I thought I would do one of my own, Over the last few months I've been aware of exciting businesses, individuals and charities within Sheffield and I wanted to share what I had seen and to encourage people to add their own.

1) Spaceworks 
They are growing, expanding and innovating, things to watch in this space include The Third Sector Cafe, the new Cafe Politique and creative space. All of which makes it an exciting and innovative place for freelancers to work from.

2) The Corner Gallery 
They specialise in the promotion of newer artists and are positively committed to supporting Sheffield artists. 

3) Wildago 
A fantastic year last year, I really enjoyed collaborating with Wil on our Pop-up show. With her larger than life characters Pearl, Todd the dog and Edmund amongst others, life around Wil will never be dull!
4) St Mary's Church
If you have not been there, this could seem like an odd choice, but its a church with a difference, it uses its building to fund its innovative and community minded projects to great effect. 

There are a few others I would list in there Me pod , Revitalise FitnessShake Up Sheffield and  finally The Huntersbarasaur

Each of these Sheffield businesses, organisations and charities have made a positive impact within Sheffield this year and I can see big things ahead for them over the following year.

Do you have any recommendations for 2012?