Struggling to tweet?

Social Media  for business is all about communicating well, being a friendly voice, creating the right impression for your business. Its also important to have a regular stream of information, its no good posting masses on  Monday and then not visiting it again for three weeks.

So, what do you do when you don't have the time, you're not in the right mood to tweet or you're struggling to get the right amount of time on-line.

When I get stuck thinking of things to talk about these are some of my personal tips:

1) What are those you follow talking about? is there a question posted you could answer, or a suggestion you could make.

2) RT (retweeting),  I will look through my twitter feed and find something that I think is relevant to those that follow me, or that is part of my on-line community and then RT that. This will often start a conversation with people who'll often be grateful for a RT.

3) We all have friends on-line, they can be people you really know or just those you talk to on twitter. Its worth looking at what they are saying and seeing if you can join in their conversation.

4) I'd have a look at what's happening on my lists, this will often bring up conversations that you will be interested in.

5) Have a look on hashtags# (if you want to understand more about how #'s work then look at this post ) that are of relevance to you, ie your city. Again there will probably be a conversation going on there you are interested in.

Still looking for more tips then here is a good article. Tips from The Clip Report