South Yorkshire

Getting your voice right on Social Media

Getting your voice right on Social Media

Knowing your voice for your small business is important, it is vital to any of your social media output yet it is something that many businesses never give any thought to. 

All in a good tweet

For this weeks blog post I thought I would draw your attention to this great tweet sent in March.

So why do I think its good? 

1) Its personal you connect with it - you feel pleased for them
2) It tells a story
3) It has a picture with it - pictures are great ways to improve interaction with your tweets. This would never have worked so well without the picture of the chair. (Could you imagine trying to describe it whilst staying within the 140 character limit!)
4) It asks a question - its asking you to respond to what has happened. 

Its a great example of how you can use social media to sell your products, tell your story and get people involved. How did I know about it? Because I happen to follow Kelly Swallow, I like her tweets, and I saw that she had tweeted this.

Imagine how powerful it could be for your business? 
If you want any help with your social media or marketing then get in touch:

Ps if you love the chair and want to know more this is the web address

Struggling to tweet?

Social Media  for business is all about communicating well, being a friendly voice, creating the right impression for your business. Its also important to have a regular stream of information, its no good posting masses on  Monday and then not visiting it again for three weeks.

So, what do you do when you don't have the time, you're not in the right mood to tweet or you're struggling to get the right amount of time on-line.

When I get stuck thinking of things to talk about these are some of my personal tips:

1) What are those you follow talking about? is there a question posted you could answer, or a suggestion you could make.

2) RT (retweeting),  I will look through my twitter feed and find something that I think is relevant to those that follow me, or that is part of my on-line community and then RT that. This will often start a conversation with people who'll often be grateful for a RT.

3) We all have friends on-line, they can be people you really know or just those you talk to on twitter. Its worth looking at what they are saying and seeing if you can join in their conversation.

4) I'd have a look at what's happening on my lists, this will often bring up conversations that you will be interested in.

5) Have a look on hashtags# (if you want to understand more about how #'s work then look at this post ) that are of relevance to you, ie your city. Again there will probably be a conversation going on there you are interested in.

Still looking for more tips then here is a good article. Tips from The Clip Report

What happened next

Last year I wrote a blog post about the businesses to watch for the next year and I thought before the year is out it'd be great to do a follow up on some of them:

The shared workspace has gone from strength to strength this year, its grown and developed into Harland works, with lots of exciting new businesses joining it and established businesses there expanding. Over the year Harland has put on a number of family days including my favourite the Roald Dahl family day. Its also been home to the Third Sector cafe, which has gone from an idea to a fully functioning and successful peer to peer learning group, communicating with 2,000 charities and social enterprises over the last 6  months.

The magical world of Wildago was always a fun and great place to be, but this year has seen the development of a whole new range of characters, whom are going on display.... They have been created for Sheffield Forgemasters another Sheffield success story. I can't wait to meet them all and of course I'll be keen to find out what;'s happened to Pearl and whether Edmund has finally put any trousers on!

Last year I met Hendrika and was impressed by her enthusiam and intergrity, this year she has been a driving force behind the creation of the Antiques quarter, a fantastic development for Sheffield and a real boost to Abbeydale Road, Broadfield area.

MePod LogoLucy from Mepod is a great
 creative and
 inspirational character, who quietly gets on with the work that needs doing. This year has seen a change of direction for her, but a very exciting one at that, She's now a Director at Soshee who are developing a brilliant app Shokx, and its definitely going to be one to watch next year!

I tipped Amiee as one to watch and its been great to see her work grow or should I say shrink online over the last year. She's currently running a 12 days of Christmas fitness  program which features a 30 minute workout, to get you in shape before the year is out! AND She's also due to be having a baby any day! Wow!

My next blog post is going to suggest next years people and businesses to watch, so, please nominate your favourites on here, I'd love to hear them.

Sheffield Social Media

Last week I hosted a social media seminar for a group of Sheffield businesses at Harland Works

We talked about what it was,  how to use it effectively, and how different  Sheffield companies have used social media to benefit their businesses.

I had a really fantastic time, with a really great bunch of people and at the end of it all I got this lovely feedback.

"Really good mix of info and interactive"
"very informative"
"A very good session"
"Informative, good to see other businesses perspective on social media" 
"Great to have some interaction and advice about different sites too. Just need to learn the nuts and bolts now"
"Thanks very helpful"
"I am much more positive about social media"
"Has started me really thinking about social media for business"
"It has really helped -......I now have more ideas"

The best kind of feedback! So, if you are interested in coming to a social media for business event then please get in touch as I am planning on holding another seminar in the New Year.